Ask these questions before 2023 is over
These 2 simple questions will dictate your next year and I’ll explain why.
Where do I want to go?
How is my pace of life?
Pure Light, the year 2024 will be the year of Karma.
2024 will be governed by Saturn and that means that things will come to light, come out of hiding… This content is intended to alert you in time.
One of the analogies transmitted in Alchemy is: “Turning lead into gold”, that is, transforming something rigid, hardened into something luminous, shining.
“Uncle Bad, why are you talking about 2024 if it’s still 2023?”
Because to reach our fullness it is necessary to reap what we want, but for the harvest to take place and be plentiful, it must begin today, 2023.
It’s time to transform!
Comment “Light” and I’ll know you’ll take the time to answer those two questions from the beginning!
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